Goats - A Successful Microfinance Project
Several years ago as a form of microfinance, Roger began providing goats as a way to help develop a sustainable source of income for one or two of the families he had helped. Families headed by women each of whom had several children, one whom had a serious disability, were the recipients.
Two pregnant nannies, two young females and a buck provide the base herds. The gestation period for goats is about five months and a nanny will usually produce 2 or 3 kids with each pregnancy as well as milk for the family. When the herd reaches 10 or more, it is time to sell one or two of the animals to provide much needed cash for school fees, food and medical expenses.
Although, culturally, cattle are more highly prized they do not provide the same economic return as the goats that are easier to manage, mature and reproduce more quickly than cattle... goats will eat almost anything whereas, cattle are not so thrifty and more prone to disease and parasites.
Basic herds and their owners.
Goats are able to forage and thrive in conditions where cattle cannot succeed.
Market Day