Rotary and other agencies are working to improve the situation for children with disabilities. The boy on the right is now a successful pig farmer who is able to support his family.

In Uganda, people with physical or intellectual disabilities are often considered a burden; unable to work, or to learn. Stigma is fuelled by beliefs that people with disabilities are cursed. Some believe disability is caused by sin; a promiscuous mother or the wrongdoing of ancestors. Some believe disabled people are possessed. Disabled children rank among the most socially outcast and vulnerable in Uganda.

They are more likely to be denied healthcare, less likely to go to school, at higher risk of abuse and sexual violence. Across the country, these children are hidden away, warehoused out of sight, or worse. ( "The hidden disabled children of Uganda")

What are the challenges faced by children with disabilities in Uganda?
The major challenges for these children not adequately attending school are; inadequate financial resources provided to responsible institutions at national and local level, insufficiently trained staff, inaccessible physical environment, (disability-unfriendly classrooms and latrines) communication and information ...

Early on, Roger was involved with an organization with a mission to improve the lives of children with disabilities and he continues to care deeply about these children and offer support as he can. One such child was Sarah who is now deceased
